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Selected Recent Publications
- A. S. Donmez, Y. Arslantas, and M. O. Sayin, “Team-fictitious play for reaching team-Nash equilibrium in multi-team games,” to appear in NeurIPS, 2024. [url][poster]
- Y. Arslantas, E. Yuceel, and M. O. Sayin. “Strategizing against Q-learners: A control-theoretical approach”, IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2024. [url]
- M. O. Sayin, K. Zhang, and A. Ozdaglar, “Fictitious play in Markov games with single controller,” in ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), 2022. [url]
- M. O. Sayin, F. Parise, and A. Ozdaglar, “Fictitious play in zero-sum stochastic games,” SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2022. [url][poster]
- A. Ozdaglar, M. O. Sayin and K. Zhang. Independent Learning in Stochastic Games. In Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM’22), vol. 7, pp. 5340-5373, 2022. [url]
- M. O. Sayin*, K. Zhang*, D. S. Leslie, T. Başar, and A. Ozdaglar, “Decentralized Q-learning in zero-sum Markov games,” in NeurIPS, 2021. [url] [poster]
- A. S. Donmez, O. Unlu, and M. O. Sayin. Logit-Q dynamics for efficient learning in stochastic teams, 2024. [url]
- Y. Arslantas, E. Yuceel, Y. Yalin, and M. O. Sayin. Convergence of heterogeneous learning dynamics in zero-sum stochastic games, 2023. [url]
- M. O. Sayin. Finite-horizon approximations and episodic equilibrium for stochastic games, 2024. [url]
- M. O. Sayin, “Balancing anarchy and efficiency: partial team formations and learning in potential games,” Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, 2025. [url]
- K. Zhang, M. O. Sayin, and A. Ozdaglar, “(Smooth) fictitious play in identical-interest stochastic games with independent continuation-payoff estimates,” Applied and Computational Mathematics, Special Issue: Control, Teams, and Games, (dedicated to the honor of Tamer Başar), 2024. [url]
- Y. Arslantas, E. Yuceel, and M. O. Sayin, “Strategizing against Q-learners: A control-theoretical approach,” IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2024. [url]
- M. O. Sayin, F. Parise, and A. Ozdaglar, “Fictitious play in zero-sum stochastic games,” SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2022. [url][poster]
- M. O. Sayin and T. Başar, “Bayesian persuasion with state-dependent quadratic cost measures,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2022. [url]
- M. O. Sayin and T. Başar, “Persuasion-based robust sensor design against attackers with unknown control objectives,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2021. [url]
- M. O. Sayin, C.-W. Lin, E. Kang, S. Shiraishi, and T. Başar, “Reliable smart road signs,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020. [url]
- M. O. Sayin, E. Akyol, and T. Başar, “Hierarchical multi-stage Gaussian signaling games in noncooperative communication and control systems,” Automatica, 2019. [url]
- M. O. Sayin, C.-W. Lin, S. Shiraishi, J. Shen, and T. Başar, “Information-driven autonomous intersection control via incentive compatible mechanisms,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2019. [url]
- N. D. Vanli, M. O. Sayin, M. Mohaghegh, H. Ozkan, and S. S. Kozat, “Nonlinear regression via incremental decision trees,” Pattern Recognition, 2019. [url]
- O. F. Kilic, T. Ergen, M. O. Sayin, and S. S. Kozat, “Team-optimal online estimation of dynamic parameters over distributed tree networks,” Signal Processing, 2019. [url]
- M. O. Sayin, N. D. Vanli, S. S. Kozat, and T. Başar, “Stochastic subgradient algorithms for strongly convex optimization over distributed networks,” IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2017. [url][Runner-up of the 2019 IEEE TNSE Best Paper Award]
- M. O. Sayin, S. S. Kozat, and T. Başar, “Team-optimal distributed MMSE estimation in general and tree networks,” Digital Signal Processing, 2017. [url]
- D. Kari, I. Marivani, F. Khan, M. O. Sayin, and S. S. Kozat, “Robust adaptive algorithms for underwater acoustic channel estimation and their performance analysis,” Digital Signal Processing, 2017. [url]
- N. D. Vanli, M. O. Sayin, I. Delibalta, and S. S. Kozat, “Sequential nonlinear learning for distributed multi-agent systems via extreme learning machines,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2017. [url]
- N. D. Vanli, K. Gokcesu, M. O. Sayin, H. Yildiz, and S. S. Kozat, “Sequential prediction over hierarchical structures,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2016. [url]
- O. F. Kilic, M. O. Sayin, I. Delibalta, and S. S. Kozat, “Computationally highly efficient mixture of adaptive filters,” Signal, Image, and Video Processing, 2016. [url]
- M. O. Sayin, Y. Yilmaz, A. Demir, and S. S. Kozat, “Krylov proportionate normalized least mean fourth approach: Formulation and performance analysis,” Signal Processing, 2015. [url]
- M. O. Sayin and S. S. Kozat, “Compressive diffusion strategies over distributed networks for reduced communication load,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2014. [url]
- M. O. Sayin, N. D. Vanli, and S. S. Kozat, “A novel family of adaptive filtering algorithms based on the logarithmic cost,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2014. [url]
- M. O. Sayin and S. S. Kozat, “Single bit and reduced dimension diffusion strategies over distributed networks,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2013. [url]
- Y. Arslantas. “Heterogeneity and strategic sophistication in multi-agent reinforcement learning,” M.S. Thesis, Bilkent University, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2024. [url]
Chapters in Edited Volumes
- A. Ozdaglar, M. O. Sayin and K. Zhang. Independent Learning in Stochastic Games. In Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM’22), vol. 7, pp. 5340-5373, 2022. [url]
- M. O. Sayin and T. Başar. Deception-As-Defense Framework for Cyber-Physical Systems. In Safety, Security, and Privacy for Cyber-Physical Systems, Springer, 2021. [url]
- M. O. Sayin, et al. Minimax Detection (MAD) for Computer Security: A Dynamic Program Characterization. In Game Theory and Machine Learning for Cyber Security, John Wiley & Sons, 2021. [url]
- M. O. Sayin, C.-W. Lin, S. Shiraishi, “Managing Roadway Intersections for Vehicles,” US Patent US11151869B2, Granted on Oct. 19, 2021. [url]
- A. S. Donmez, Y. Arslantas, and M. O. Sayin, “Team-fictitious play for reaching team-Nash equilibrium in multi-team games,” to appear in NeurIPS, 2024. [url][poster]
- Y. Saltan, A. Kosay, C.-W. Lin, and M. O. Sayin, “Strategic control of intersections for efficient traffic routing without tolls,” to appear in IFAC CPHS, 2024.
- Y. Arslantas and M. O. Sayin, “Strategic control of experience-weighted attraction model in human-AI interactions,” to appear in IFAC CPHS, 2024.
- A. S. Donmez and M. O. Sayin, “Generalized individual Q-learning for polymatrix games with partial observations,” to appear in IEEE CDC, 2024. [url]
- O. Unlu and M. O. Sayin, “Episodic logit-Q dynamics for efficient learning in stochastic teams,” in IEEE CDC, 2023. [url]
- S.-C. Huang, K.-E. Lin, C.-Y. Kuo, L.-H. Lin, M. O. Sayin, and C.-W. Lin, “Reinforcement-learning-based job-shop scheduling for intelligent intersection management,” in Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE), 2023. [url]
- M. O. Sayin, “On the global convergence of stochastic fictitious play in stochastic games with turn-based controllers”, in IEEE CDC, 2022. [url]
- M. O. Sayin, K. Zhang, and A. Ozdaglar, “Fictitious play in Markov games with single controller,” in ACM EC, 2022. [url]
- M. O. Sayin and K. A. Cetiner, “On the heterogeneity of independent learning dynamics in zero-sum stochastic games”, in L4DC, 2022. [pdf][url][poster]
- M. O. Sayin*, K. Zhang*, D. S. Leslie, T. Başar, and A. Ozdaglar, “Decentralized Q-learning in zero-sum Markov games,” in NeurIPS, 2021. [url] [poster]
- M. O. Sayin*, K. Zhang*, D. S. Leslie, T. Başar, and A. Ozdaglar, “Decentralized Q-learning in zero-sum Markov games,” in Workshop on Reinforcement Learning Theory at ICML, 2021.
- M. O. Sayin and T. Başar, “On the optimality of linear signaling to deceive Kalman filters over finite/infinite horizons,” in GameSec, 2019. [pdf][url]
- M. O. Sayin, H. Hosseini, R. Poovendran, and T. Başar, “A game theoretical framework for inter-process adversarial intervention detection,” in GameSec, 2018. [url]
- M. O. Sayin and T. Başar, “Dynamic information disclosure for deception,” in IEEE CDC, 2018. [pdf][url]
- M. O. Sayin and T. Başar, “Secure sensor design for resiliency of control systems prior to attack detection,” in IEEE CCTA, 2018. [pdf][url]
- M. O. Sayin and T. Başar, “Deceptive multi-dimensional information disclosure over a Gaussian channel,” in ACC, 2018. [pdf][url]
- M. O. Sayin, C.-W. Lin, S. Shiraishi, and T. Başar, “Reliable intersection control in non-cooperative environments,” in ACC, 2018. [url]
- B. Zheng, M. O. Sayin, C.-W. Lin, S. Shiraishi, and Q. Zhu, “Timing and security analysis of VANET-based intelligent transportation systems,” in IEEE ICCAD, 2017. [url]
- M. O. Sayin and T. Başar, “Secure sensor design for cyber-physical systems against advanced persistent threats,” in GameSec, 2017. [pdf][url]
- M. O. Sayin, E. Akyol, and T. Başar, “Strategic control of a tracking system,” in IEEE CDC, 2016. [pdf][url]
- M. O. Sayin, E. Akyol, and T. Başar, “On the structure of equilibrium strategies in dynamic Gaussian signaling games,” in IEEE MSC, 2016. [url]
- O. F. Kilic, M. O. Sayin, I. Delibalta, and S. S. Kozat, “Mixture of set membership filters approach for big data signal processing,” in IEEE SIU, 2016. [url] [Best Student Paper Award]
- M. O. Sayin, N. D. Vanli, I. Delibalta, and S. S. Kozat, “Efficient and distributed tracking of evolving state,” in IEEE MLSP, 2015. [url]
- N. D. Vanli, M. O. Sayin, I. Delibalta, and S. S. Kozat, “Universal online prediction via order preserving patterns,” in IEEE MLSP, 2015. [url]
- M. O. Sayin, N. D. Vanli, I. Delibalta, and S. S. Kozat, “Optimal and efficient distributed online learning for big data,” in IEEE Big Data Congress, 2015. [url]
- N. D. Vanli, M. O. Sayin, and S. S. Kozat, “Twice-universal piecewise linear regression via infinite depth context trees,” in IEEE ICASSP, 2015. [url]
- M. O. Sayin, N. D. Vanli, T. Goze, and S. S. Kozat, “Communication efficient channel estimation over distributed networks,” in IEEE GlobalSIP, 2014. [url]
- N. D. Vanli, M. O. Sayin, T. Goze, and S. S. Kozat, “Energy consumption forecasting via order preserving pattern matching,” in IEEE GlobalSIP, 2014. [url]
- N. D. Vanli, M. O. Sayin, S. Ergut, and S. S. Kozat, “Piecewise nonlinear regression via decision adaptive trees,” in EUSIPCO, 2014. [url]
- N. D. Vanli, M. O. Sayin, S. Ergut, and S. S. Kozat, “Comprehensive lower bounds on sequential prediction,” in EUSIPCO, 2014. [url]
- M. O. Sayin, N. D. Vanli, and S. S. Kozat, “Logarithmic regret bound over diffusion based distributed estimation,” in IEEE ICASSP, 2014. [url]
- M. O. Sayin, N. D. Vanli, and S. S. Kozat, “Improved convergence performance of adaptive algorithms through logarithmic cost,” in IEEE ICASSP, 2014. [url]
- M. O. Sayin, N. D. Vanli, and S. S. Kozat, “Robust set-membership filtering algorithms against impulsive noise,” in IEEE SIU, 2014. [url]
- M. O. Sayin, N. D. Vanli, and S. S. Kozat, “Performance analysis of scalar diffusion strategy over distributed networks,” in IEEE SIU, 2014. [url]
- N. D. Vanli, M. O. Sayin, and S. S. Kozat, “Competitive linear MMSE estimation under structured data uncertainties,” in IEEE SIU, 2014. [url]